Monday, August 27, 2012

Memory Verse 6

I hope you enjoy this video. I had to post this from my computer in order to get to post. I am playing the background music. Strange. How do I end up with all of the hard stuff??? AHHHHHHHHHHH!
Shouldn't I get all the easy work? Silly Mommy. No. Silly me. No. Silly us. Make up your mind, Andrew.


This is the song Colorful Sunset. Hope you enjoy.

Week of 8-20-12

Clowny and Skippy.
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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bonus Memory Verse 2

Bonus Memory Verse

Hope you enjoy. This is my first EASY verse. Two words. Huh.

Memory Verse 3

Hope you enjoy. Leave me a comment here. Tell us if there is a problem.
Look for 0 comments and type there. It should stand out.

Monday, August 20, 2012

We hope you will enjoy this video.
Write us a comment about this video and we'll be happy to help.

Week #1

Loops time.

Time to try it out on paper.

Library trip.

We got this in the mail! Boing!

Tuesday is art day. Overlapping rings is what we are doing.

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Monday, August 13, 2012

8-13-12-- Memory verse of the week

I hope you enjoy this video.

August 10, 2012 -- Second Grade Fun!

That's very cute, Mommy!

My Myndology!

Naboo! I've always wanted this!
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Apple pancakes. Yummo!

I have maple syrup.

A Loops plane!


I love this game!
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We usually do a treasure hunt on the first day of school.

Clue two. I'm getting there.

Look by forte. I wonder what that means?

Down the stairs...

Behind the amp and TV...

I've always wanted one of these. Yay!

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